MONDAY: An FOMC Statement Report ois due this week as the montjly cycle comes to its end. Sometimes that makes for a volatile combination, although for the peast year the trend has been higher when the Fed speaks TUESDAY: It has been more than 35 years since the S&P 500 has strung together as many days of having moved 0.1% or less and today doesn’t give any early impression of doing otherwise. However, over the past few months the day before an FOMC Statement release has been a solidly performing one. WEDNESDAY: The FOMC Statement is released today and there are no fewer than 6 speeches by Federal Reserve Governors between now and the end of trading this week. THURSDAY: For the second consecutive month the FOMC Statement release created no response from the market, but as is often the case , the following day may hold some surprises. This morning may be one of those days as early indications have the market heading lower FRIDAY: A boost from China from interest rate cuts and more assurances from ECB’s Draghi look like they may help market end the November 2014 cycle on a positive note