Daily Market Update – December 28, 2016



Daily Market Update –  December 28, 2016 (7:30 AM)

It looks as if it’s going to be another quiet day today as we really get ready to close out the year.

It really has been a tale of different markets.

We had the January correction, followed by Jamie Dimon’s rescue of the market.

Then we had 2 horribly wronged predictions about vote results and the aftermaths of each.

Brexit and the US Presidential elections.

Could pollsters and market predictors have gotten each one more wrong?

No matter, 2-016 has been a good one, especially if still holding onto the big losers from 2015.

I still have lots of cash on hand following yesterday’s single new position opened.

I also continued making another of those side DOH trades that have kept me busy for much of the past month and I definitely hope to do more of those and with some regularity in 2017.

I will definitely have more time to devote to the maintenance of those trades and definitely appreciate the way the relatively some premiums do add up, even as they may exact a toll on your nerves.

Still, what’s the worst that happens?

I expect to be doing little today other than looking for rollover opportunities and counting the days down until the accounting can begin anew for 2017.
