MONDAY: Happy and Safe Labor Day to all TUESDAY: Well, the market is ready to get the week off to a great start after a very confusing set of sessions from Shanghai and Japan that should serve to clear nothing up WEDNESDAY: The morning looks as if it might actually string two consecutive days of triple digit gains together, or at least have a chance to get off to that kind of a start, as there’s little this week to get in the way of any kind of move or to catalyze any kind of move THURSDAY: After an ugly day yesterday, overseas markets followed. Or are they still leading? It’s hard to tell, but this morning the US futures are flat, even as the futures haven’t done a good job of forecasting where the day will eventually go. FRIDAY:. The market looks to end the week being able to stay in stealth rally mode, although it looks as if it may shave some off from the week’s gains. That appeared to be the case yesterday, too, but worked out differently. All of this sets the stage for what may be a big FOMC meeting and Chairman’s press conference next week