Daily Market Update – November 21, 2014 (8:00 AM) The Week in Review will be posted by 6 PM and the Weekend Update will be posted by 12:00 Noon on Sunday. The following trade outcomes are possible: Assignments: BMY, CPB, CY, DRI, LO, SBGI Rollovers: LVS Expirations: BBY (puts), FAST, PBR Again, with ask prices relatively high when seeking to close out positions as part of rollover trades, there may be reason to allow expiration, rather than rolling contracts over, due to the unnecessary additional expense involved. This week’s ex-dividend position was TGT (11/17 $0.52) Next week’s ex-dividend positions are: MAT (11/24 $0.38), HFC (11/25 $0.50 Special Dividend), K (11/26 $0.49), SBGI (11/26 $0.16), LO (11/26 $0.62) Trades, if any, will be attempted to be made prior to 3:30 PM EST |