Dashboard – August 8 – 12, 2016







MONDAY:   A quiet day to start the week as retailers begin reporting earnings in just a few days and we may get to find out just what really is going on with consumers

TUESDAY:   It looks like another flat day awaits ahead as all is quiet until those retail earnings begin to start coming through later this week and next

WEDNESDAY: It looks as if we have another flat day in store as there is little to get excited about for anyone, although a pronounced series of  retailer earnings reports could move markets sharply if either disappointing or confirming interest rate increase expectations

THURSDAY:  A very, very flat week may get a little bit of shaking up today, as retailers begin their reports. The morning already shows some more movement than seen in the previous 3 days.

FRIDAY:.  Record highs on all 3 major indexes to begin the day as the week comes to its end. Tough decisions as to what to do next.





Today's TradesCash-o-Meter





Sneak PeekPie Chart Distribution








Weekly Summary